Under The HUD

It's "Shadow Tree" Not "Sca-Doo Tree"

Under the HUD Podcast Episode 3

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This week, Dann and Thaddeus dive deep into the shadows. They unravel the mysterious demise of Slim Shady and dissect the enigmatic circumstances of Dr. Disrespect's ban from Twitch. From there, they followed the cryptic steps needed to share their insights on the eagerly awaited, critically acclaimed Elden Ring DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree. 

Hello again and welcome to Under the HUD I'm Thaddeus. And I'm Dan. And this is episode three. On today's episode, we're going to be giving our Elden Ring Shadow of the Erd Tree retrospective. We're going to just overall talk about what we thought about it, how we felt about it, and everything in between. Maybe we'll jump onto some sort of related discourse on it. Maybe we won't. But before that, Dan, how have you been? I've been pretty good, you know. Let's see what's happened to me lately. Eminem put out a new album. Yeah, you know so I've been listening to that. Okay You know, it was pretty good. Except for memory lane Well, it's called the death of Slim Shady. Yeah You know Yeah, I mean it doesn't sound like it's been the hype for you. Actually, I'm kind of downplaying it because like I actually really like Eminem. I'm a fan Okay, I don't want to be like, yeah, I'm gonna have the fucking shit because I listen to things outside of Eminem. Yeah, yeah, you know I think on my my paternity leave I made my newborn so not newborn but one -year -old son listen like jazz and soca music and 80s rock like is this like That's proven to enhance our IQ or like what's why that blend of a music form cuz he loves music Okay, but unfortunately the music he loves is like the wiggles and yeah blues clues and Sesame Street But then I noticed that he likes Reggae Okay, so then I was like, okay, let's play some jazz. He likes jazz. All right, let's some other shit But I would only play it like at certain times because I know that he's like cuz kids music is made to like really Yes, right. It's like fun and it's easy for them the easy words and stuff But like while he's eating like you're gonna listen to some classical you're gonna listen to some jazz Now always choose like upbeat songs for him. So I'm like, all right But I mean, you know me I'm a I'm a a I'm a rap head. So of course. Yeah hip -hop head as they say Yeah, yeah, you're gonna read reach another honorary black man, so that's a good thing Yeah, maybe one day he'll meet the yeah, you can live by yeah Meet that black wiggle. Yeah, there you go. All the way to Australia Well, I mean hey again that's celebrated society right? It's not Leonardo DiCaprio exactly, right? Maybe maybe the black wiggle will have a daughter. You'll see yeah, I mean Yeah, I've just been vibing out and watching the YouTube videos on my okay bees and sharks said Dr. Disrespect god. Yeah, okay. I mean I know of the broad idea of it, but I haven't really been following I know I know know the Coles notes Yeah, so, well, fuck it, let's get into this one then. Okay, let's hear it. Let's hear it. I can't keep up with it, but I'll let you lead the conversation. I mean, there's not much to get into. mean, Dr. Disrespect was banned on Twitch during a Twitch stream. Yeah. And then he got the notification saying like, happened? And then he decided to sue, so he couldn't talk about it. No one talked about it. And then it has just recently come out that he got banned for messaging a minor What And He says he never made any plans to meet up with them which yeah, maybe don't message a mind overall there's no there's no reason Like what what okay? What is it with? The twitch community like when they get huge or like you know what the first thing I'm do is We're gonna fucking send out messages to fucking Sketchy possibly underage people I wonder if it's overall just a power thing I mean you always hear of those circles like the absolute circle and everything where these rich guys always go after Young after kids is it a thing where it's just like it's a forbid that you're able to do all these other things It's the only thing you can can do that's still Considered underground or what? don't know. can't you just be like Kanye West and have an eight way? Yeah Yeah You know, yeah, I mean it's If I had if I had that kind of wealth and power, I mean it would just be just I would be into some debaucherous shit. Yeah, but everyone would be over, mean honestly, of course over 18, but maybe even like over 25. I don't know. Here's the thing. You want to get real debaucherous? 72. Yeah, honestly. You might kill them. There might be death involved. You know, they might need a brand new hip after what you're done doing with them. Yeah. Golden Girls. Yeah, you got to get one with Alzheimer's, right? And it's new experience every time, right? So the greatest generation. So how long did that take this time? Eight, six minutes. And you're a real deficit. Okay, cool. No, but I was saying it's like, it was like the forbidden fruit is like you want to do weird shit. Go bagel fucking trans person or some fucked up. Yeah, I Trans person fucked up, but it's your if you're it's definitely your Heterosexual and you want something out of the norm. Yeah, go bang a dude. Yeah Yeah, I don't follow their lifestyles chicks go big eight chicks. Yeah. Yeah get get Do like a like a Lego piece kinda connection where you're fucked and you're fucking someone and you keep on making a whole circle of it, a whole centipede out of Like a human centipede of dicks. Yeah, yeah. So you can do all that if you want where you stick your penis into the hole and you don't know who's on the other side. All sorts of deviant things you can do here's my thing is that Dr. If he didn't know that she was 17 or 60 or whatever the fucking age they were, he should lead with that. But he hasn't said that. I'm not saying that that would deflect too much on, but he could be like, when we were having those conversations, I did not know their age. I was led to believe that they were an adult. And when, you know, I found out their age, I should have cut it off there, but I didn't know he didn't see any of that. He's just like, yeah, I had conversations with a minor that led into places where it shouldn't have Is he trying to just be obtuse with it or something or? Yes Well, he's saying what he's saying it without saying it yeah, yeah Basically If it was really just like joking like I bet you have a sexy ass post the fucking post the fucking messages that if it's not The jokes shouldn't have gone they're like, I bet you're a dirty slut With your friends or something like that and you're not actually talking about like hey, why don't we maybe we meet up at twitchcon? Yeah, I go to where they stay the non alcoholic area is you know You know I go to where they're serving fucking cotton candy or whatever the fuck yeah, or I go to where the fucking dance The just dance booth and see you there or dance dance revolution. Yeah, Yeah, you know we'll meet at the fucking Nintendo Smash Bros place cuz that's where I know all the pedophiles Apparently evil my mouth that's still a thing. That's that's furries right? No, it wasn't isn't the whole thing of the guy running it was a Doing some weird like pito stuff. We covered in a raw. He was he was doing pito shit. Yeah, but Sony bought them out That's why it's now. It's worries But although I will say It's not me being mean. Okay, all you switch fucking Nintendo smash players man. You all gotta control your community better You know what's up, know the fucking dirt stories I've heard of you guys. I haven't followed the smash community stuff. I mean again, I played The game a lot for a while. Yeah Well, I don't know what's going on in the community. Maybe I shouldn't I mean, overall, I just I stay out of communities in general. And I don't like. for sure. I stay out of the news, too. But I am I like I'm like the Batman of communities I watch. I look and I investigate. I hear why why you all pedos. You know what the fuck? Yeah. I just feel like anytime you get into a you get lumped in with a lot of shit. mean, it goes for everything, even politics, just generally. you don't, don't attach a name or group to yourself because it's going to be filled with a lot of bad actors. I'm pretty sure my wife thinks I'm like a Republican. I'm also a bit surprised. I mean, we'll get into why does she think that. I mean, can see how she would because you're not just, you don't. I'm very contrarian. here's the thing. The Republican points are so easy to fucking say like, yeah, that's bad. Yeah. Right? Yeah. And I'm like, yeah, those are all bad. Yeah. But there are a lot of like, no, Democratic points that I'm like, those are also bad. Yeah. But I have to fight for those a lot more to explain why they're bad than like, yeah, well, they like fucking good. They hate fucking gay people and they hate fucking gay people. What I mean, well, those are really easy to say. And to their credit, it's been the same views for the last 40 years. So at least 40 years. But but I'm also like, well, maybe we shouldn't bring. Cross dressers and trans transsexuals to fucking story time at libraries. Why you want them to know that they exist. At the age of five. But maybe with their like 15 and they're forming opinions and learning about the world sure yeah, but not when they're like five Sexualized shit in front of kids I feel like again me yeah if kids ask a question you can give them an honest answer But I don't think you need to go out of their way to like a lot of things like that on them Like fucking what is that woke baby books and like anti-racism? Yeah Why? Yeah, it's too much. Why can't you just be like, sometimes people are different colors. Yeah. But they're still people. You know, their, you know, their culture may be different than ours, but everyone can learn something from each other's culture. You know? Yeah, I mean, again, I didn't have to. Why you gotta go so fucking weird about it? I mean, I don't know. Again, I know the other stream is Republicans and conservatives are banning lot don't want any of that shit. don't want any that They're having books like they're just trying to not even talk about slavery or segregation in their history lessons and they have books where they ban books like Maus to talk about the Holocaust and everything so I get it. They're going too far but I just feel like... I feel like both sides are going so far that I'm like I need to be in the middle. Yeah. They push and then the other one has to push back harder and it's always like that. It's a lot of reactionary politics and that's not necessarily where I stand. I feel like I'm maybe like a 2000, like a 2005 liberal or something or maybe where it's like, know. Exactly, right? Like I'm like, like, cause like Eric is like, well, like, cause like whenever it was like, oh, all the police are evil, like no. Just a lot of them. Yeah. Yeah. And they're like, well, you're afraid of cops. Yes, I am. Yes, I am. I recognize it. Yeah. Just because I'm afraid of them doesn't mean I can say they're all evil. Yeah. I've met some good cops. Yeah. Yeah. Of course. But I also would fucking shit my pants whenever I fucking run into one. I don't know what's going to happen. Yeah. Do I would I prefer all cops be locked up? No, just the evil ones. Yeah. Assholes out there and I was gonna have some shitty views but if I had to choose which corrupt assholes were cops I'd be like the ones that are stealing drugs Yeah, the ones that you know take numbers from like Women who are trying to get out of a park out of a speeding ticket. Fuck it. Okay, if the girls are offering up The ones that are stealing a little bit of money for the precinct I really don't give a The ones who are fucking killing people and the ones that are stealing goods from lockup and selling them. Yeah, those guys need to go to jail. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's a lot of that's but the ones that's like, hey, this guy is a fucking pedophile. I'm going to beat the shit out of him until he's half dead. You know, maybe it's justified force. Yes. Yeah. You know, I'm always like, it's always a gray area. Everything. Everything is nuanced. And there isn't much room to talk about anymore. Again, Paul Moriarty exactly was talking about how he's been approached by the shadowy figures. remember back when he started Last Stand Media, he is going to be about politics and then that kind of, but, he was saying he was being approached by the shadowy figures and then he was saying, just can't do it because there's no room to have nuanced views. Yeah, if you were to do it, he'd be like his friend Dave Rubin who just has to go far on and my god, Dave Rubin just Way too quick to yeah, it was it was Transparent to everybody and I feel like he's the poster boy for it and even in shows where it's like I'm surprised even talked about he his name comes up as like the Definitive grifter like everyone everybody knows him and Candace Owens. They're the most obvious. Okay, this is she gets they dropped on the evidence new album. really? But that's cuz she was like firing shots. I like she's like I'm not surprised. I called out his sexuality She's talking about she's disses music. So everyone was like, yeah, you fucking race traitor Like she's only doing it because of all the fucking white guys, yeah. yeah, of course Said multiple times that she's definitely to race play like she's and he said that like she sold out her race for money Like yeah, it's true. Yeah. Yeah, no, it definitely is. mean generally what I don't know what we turn what we turn Republican and try to make that money I mean, yeah, they'll have to say it about us. That's our that's our long -term goal A seven -point plan for it in the way. So yeah, it's just this does state to you guys Did you see the way he put his fist up in the air? Fucking hero Instagram right now Just the fist yeah Let's all get like half and half of a tattoo so it's like I get the flag Like yours will just say Trudeau and mine will just say fuck. Yeah, let's do it man. And then when we joined together it shows like a a tractor trailer. Yeah, it's all in the works guys. fuck. Maybe we should talk about Elden Ring. yeah, yeah. So I mean we really re -drilled. the first 35 or so. So yeah, let's get to the show. They're already running late. So yeah, mean, it didn't cover it. We've been playing. So Dan, we've been playing. I have been playing Elden Ring. I also played a little bit of Hitman. OK, back to the classic song. Well, mean, there was a there was a new deal. Oh, they're still rolling stuff out for it. yeah It was a Conor McGregor DLC, I You know, I mean they put shot beat in the fucking game I mean, why is all the cake? Well, I mean I get the I guess Sean being because it's a long -running joke that he dies and everything so I get The unkillable Sean be so they brought it back like three times And then they also did Gary Oldman and Gary Busey. You have to kill the right Gary. OK, that's right. Where they had like Gary Busey yelling at Gary Oldman. All right. And Gary Busey was like, Raaahhh! You have to kill Gary Busey! Which I did! Like, make sure you kill the right Gary. It's so random. Yeah, the Conor McGregor I don't get. He's called the disruptor You can wear that jacket with no shirt like Conor McGregor Okay, so I know did you watch the new Roadhouse? No, okay. Yeah, don't he was in and he's like a he's a pretty annoying character I Know how much I talk about watching shit. Yeah, my time is really truly Yeah, which is why I don't watch a lot of new movies Fair. Because a lot of them are not. I know you enjoy a good bad movie. Yeah, yeah, I certainly do. But when I watch a bad movie, I feel a little ripped off sometimes. Unless it hits to the quality of like, it's so bad, it's hilarious. Yeah, like Neil Breen or something. Yeah, but there are ones like, like, Booksmart where it's just bad. man, that Beautiful again that that's gonna make it into the supercut that has to like I fucking Know cuz like it was pitched to me. I think you pitched to me. didn't pitch to you guys I was not hyping it up I was saying all I said is that I'm watching some bullshit called book smart and you went out of your way to fight it and watch it wait, I know who pitched it to me as like the female Was the Pally's wife Yes it was. Yeah, yeah I remember that. I've never taken a recommendation from her after that. Like that almost started beef between me and Pally because I was to that was really some bullshit. My wife likes it like, yeah. And I'm like, your wife likes some bullshit. Yeah, I didn't fit in any positive. I guess that's why I say I was so bad because I was like, this is gonna be good. You know, I could handle it. I like a gender swap. Super bad. Why not? Anyway, Gen Z'd super bad. That's it. I think that's what bugged me is the Gen Z aspect of it. It's too Gen Z. Yeah, I mean. Well, I'm curious I almost kind of want you to watch bottoms I feel like you feel. What the fuck is... I don't it what I think it's gonna be? It's not actually, I unless... I know bottoms for gay males, but it's lesbians. It's like these two girls start off fight How is there a bottom for a lesbian? I don't know. See, I don't understand the title because I've always known bottoms for... I couldn't begin to guess, but... I mean, maybe the bottom Why did they just call it scissors? Yeah, I mean, I think there is something called scissors if I remember correctly, but... I actually think it was like some YouTube sketch. I went out with like a bi girl and she had like a group thing and then like this, yeah, Scissors, Rachel. Anyway, Bottoms, don't know the significance of it, but the whole thing is these two lesbians start a fight club in their high school. And it's just, I don't know. I mean, it was getting a lot of hype and I watched it and I was just wait, was that movie that was like over hyped and over commercialized where they're like, it's the first romance comedy with two gay guys. yeah, that came and went, that went nowhere. It was with the Eisner. Right, was Bob Eisner or something like that is the name of it. I was just Yeah, I know exactly you're talking about. Yeah, I mean, it came and went. think it he was ever he was pissed. It's like he's like, the street people didn't come and come and watch it or something like that. Yeah, because you hold the street people that the car watch if they didn't want to. That's like Ghostbuster where they're like, well, if you don't like it, then don't watch it. Why the fuck did you watch it? Yeah. was it? Bros, bros, that's what it was, right? That you're of? Yeah. Yeah. And that was a whole, yeah. Like why? Yeah. I don't know. mean, yeah, bottoms though. I came up, yeah, bottoms. so yeah, so they started the fight club and it's just, I don't know, I just didn't find it funny. I mean, it got really high, but I was up for it. mean, there's another movie the director did that I liked. It was called Shiva. something like that is or like shiver girl or something like that but it's about this Jewish girl at a like a funeral and it just it kind of went in this way it was just an uncomfortable uncomfortable comment I enjoyed it so this one I was looking forward to it was wasn't it was not for me yeah but yeah yeah what we gonna say I was gonna say But yeah, okay anyway, so you've been playing you played elvin ring and Hitman hit man and yeah, we have we got into the Sean Bean and got into movies I've just been listening to music the new Eminem album Okay The new Eminem song that dropped before that yeah I mean any song that you think is a standout I mean I've listened to if you the ember like you'd hear cuz Eminem he was like the the shock guy and around that time I was really into I was always into I was into the crazy shocking thing so there's some songs that I liked back like there's one that's like I don't want to go to school I don't want an education so I like that one and he had one where he can is where he was like it was like it was like more of the comedic ones if there's one It was like a South Park style song where he's like a teacher in a South Park class and he's teaching kids about drugs. And it's like he like talks like Mr. Mackey. There's a car in there like, you're not going to sue me. But he's like, I love boys and girls. That's like his first album. Yeah. It's like I'm a teacher had a poison squirrels. And it's just He walks through all his different stories of like how some took ecstasy and their back went out and all kinds of things. I mean, so I liked his like weird, his like dark humor stuff. He had one song that he took off of his like 2005 album. Okay. Called Brand New Dance because a lot of it was making fun of Christopher Reeves and that's like when Christopher Reeves died. But like the whole concept of the album is like his like, his Sort of like side character Slim Shady who's like, whatever someone says anything bad it's Slim Shady. He had like a particular voice. And then whatever it's like Eminem's real thoughts it's Marshall, it's Eminem. So he made it seem like Slim Shady came back. now him and like, he's like you have to listen to the album in chronological order. So it's like Eminem There's a song called Brand New Dance where it's like, it is actually a song that was supposed to be on that on a 2005 album that they took off, but they put it back on this one. And they have a song later that's like, and I know that song was from 2005 that you took off. He's like, why did you do that? He's like, Christopher Reeves died. he's well, you know, he just died so he can fuck up our track list. That's up there with yeah, it's a good thing Jeremy Redding is gonna or Jerry Redding is gonna lose his leg once I can say it's not that but you There's a couple shots at P Diddy But I don't know if you remember his his other rap group called D12. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. There's one of the rappers is named Bazaar who says like really fucked up shit. Yeah, I know I'm really good at man that one I liked American psycho. I mean again, I discovered by accident back when you know the lime wire He was hardcore he was hardcore He even did the thing like every white guy in that era of blonde dying his hair blonde And wearing like white t -shirts and blue jeans. he did that way. The American Psycho one I discovered because I was looking for the movie and then, you know. There's a there's a new song called I think it's Antichrist. yeah. And Bizarre is on it. He has one of the best lies out there. He's like, where's Caitlyn Jenner? I want to fuck that hoe. Where's Megan Thee Stallion? I want to suck that toe. Because you guys shot the feet. I remember that. Like, my legs. Yeah, I again, I don't follow around that much, but that was a funny story. mean, it seemed like it was supposed to be bad news, but it sounded hilarious. That's fucking awesome. I was like, I want to suck that toe. Yeah, I remember Bizarre. mean, the only lyric I can remember from him is, it's Friday night, I'm out of rave again. fucking trans -je - vest -ites on my Harley Davidson or something like that and then he's like, the only reason I can't be a Nazi is I'm black, I'm gay, and my dad's a Liberace or something like that. So yeah, I read his notes. Honestly, he kills himself with the weird shit, so. Yeah. There's a new D12 album, apparently. wow, okay. They did it in honor of the two members that died. Proof was one of them. You That dive. bugs is the other one. Yeah. Yeah, all right Let's get into Eldery. Yeah, okay. Yes. Yes. Yes. No more fucking about yeah, this is the detail point you the half -hour mark like yeah, like it like as stated in the Under the HUD bylaws. Yeah You even did the practice recording behind the scenes Bullshit for about 45 minutes to an hour and then decide to delete it restart the episode. We don't say we're going to do it but it ends up working that way anyway. It just ends up happening. Yeah, let's record. we're gonna so serious on this one. By the way, did you... So, alright I'll just get into what I've been playing and then we'll go into the main topic, I guess. So I'll run over quickly. I I played Elden Ring, Shadow of the Urtree as well. I played, then, because I play Elden Ring, Shadow of the Urtree, which is combined with beating the latter half of the main game or the latter quarter, maybe. And then also before that, beating Lies of P. and a half times. I guess needed something. I needed a break from the just intense souls like games and that was that was probably I think so it's probably 80 hours of lives of P in total and then another 80 hours I think in total for Elden Ring when you do Shadow of the Tree plus the latter part of it so that's like 80 hours. Oh, wait, because a lot of part again again. I was near the end of the game So it's that plus chatter tree cuz like I almost went right into it. I I remember you fucking like ran through that end part of elder ring that you left off. Yeah It was like when I play again now playing it back when it came down and I was like, alright I'm 80 hours in I just need a break and then I guess I'll get back to it then two years happening DLC is coming All right, let me guess get back to it. So I did that and then we have we beat some bosses together then Then even with the Shadows of Earth tree, we're being some bosses together and it's like, you know what? I just need to get this out of my life. I just need to beat the game. I need to beat it and say I beat it. Even if you don't see the trophy sport, I need to beat it and know I beat it and just move on with my life. yeah, after all that, I needed some lettuce snacks. So I've been doing that lately. I played Cocoon, which is this, I think... If I remember correctly, it's by some of the people who worked on games such as Limbo. And it's just this game where you're a bug and it's, I guess, sort of isometric viewed and you... It's very, very mind trippy. You carry around orbs and you can go inside orbs, within the orbs, and it's a lot of jumping in and out of the orbs soft puzzles, we were essentially transporting them from the beginning to the end of the game. There's no dialogue, but there's some sort of story going on, very abstract story, I guess. But it was neat and very atmospheric. But it was something where I could get a platinum in like five hours just doing it. the puzzles were some mind benders. after a while, you get used to it it sort of employs the same mechanics all the puzzles after a while. It's neat. the boss, I'd say the most annoying part for the boss fights, they weren't super hard, but it's just that, and you can't really die on them, but if they like grab onto you, they toss you out of an orb and you've got to jump back in and you gotta start the fight over again. So that was a little tedious, but I enjoyed the game. I'm not really even the biggest puzzle game guy. kind of, usually want to play games and I encounter a puzzle, I guess, like, okay, let me find this goddamn YouTube tutorial on what the puzzle is and find the solution and get through it. But this one, it was just, you know, it was a good way of exercising every part of my mind and different skills. After a lot of tense hack and slash, this was a nice relaxing game to just get, out of that. And then I started playing Crow Country, which is this resident. It's Resident Evil style game or survival 90s survival horror style game. has the I remember I used to joke years ago when there was an influx of eight pixelated games that you what's going to happen in 20 or in 10 years? Are we going to start having shitty polygonal looking games? And they started happening. It's like a game that has like a shitty polygonal. Yeah. So it looks a lot like those kinds of games. it's I like the atmosphere is it has gritty filters and staticky filters to give it a creepy edge to it. And I'm enjoying it. It's good. Clunky controls like old school games and everything where you shoot with circle. Which, yeah, mean, it's weird things like that, but I'm enjoying it playing the smaller games. And I've also gotten back to Disco Elysium. Disco Elysium is one where I keep on starting it and then I take a break and then I get back to where I'm going. So I start over again. Starting back with Disco Elysium again as well. yeah, so that was really it in my latest games I've been playing. So yeah, and also, Unicorn Overlord too is one I've been getting back into as well. So yeah, that's it. So we'll get to the main topic. So I mean, I did a brief, guess, again, I luckily didn't get into my whole experience with Eldering Shadow of Retriever. I was just covering. I went through it. So let's get into it. So what do you think of shadow of the earth tree then? I Really like it. I didn't like it when we were doing like a boss rush thing on it. I Like that was like really it wasn't giving me elder ring vibes. Mm -hmm But then we got to the point where it was like burn the shadow tree And then for some reason you fucking sped run the game without me. I told you it was just like I was like, okay, I just need this out of my life. So it was like, I just gotta go through. mean, I was willing to jump on with you, but I felt like you had a bit of like, well, if this fucking guy did it on his own, could do it on my own too. I don't know if that was going on or not, but. No, I was like, okay. Well, I was like, okay. Well then I'm not pressured to kind of rush through it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like find all these like, I'm like, There's a bunch of places on the map. I haven't been to okay. I haven't really explored much so now I'm just going like I've been doing like Exploring and shit. I'm like, okay here. Let me go here and see what's up with this and Like fighting she'll okay. That's interesting. So like every day it's like I do like one or two things And I'm like, that was cool. And then I do another one or two things like that was kind of cool That was a dick of a boss. All right but Then I found like a summit that is like, know, I don't know if you've ever been to any of the forges in the game where it's like the new one of the new cavern type things where it's like, there's these just really big honking looking things. And have you ever seen like, he basically looks like a Goron almost or like, have you watched the big hero six, right? Yeah. He looks like what the fuck is that white dude's name? Yeah, he looks like Betamax. yeah. Okay. He's just like a big hulking fucking like lumpy like like a Michelin man kind of thing. Okay. Yeah, like and I felt like those there's those guys that are like made out of rock and like they're very like durable Yeah, but then I found one that's like called like Tewas or something like that. He was like a summon Yeah, and apparently like you can use him just to like solo or dawn Because he's just like so like Yeah, and like he's just so bulky like you just like eat eat radon's fucking fists. Yeah, so Okay, so I've just been like putting him out there to fight the fire Giants. Yeah, but like they keep killing me. I like fuck I'm gonna say say have you beaten any of them? No, no, I'm just taking my time. Yeah. Yeah. I mean again for me it was just that after Again, pretty much 160 hours of Souls type games and even just just Elden on his own, like 80 hours of Elden Ring. was like, I was feeling what I was feeling the first time playing it. I guess I I need a break now. So I was like, OK, I'm going to beat it. know that if I didn't beat it at that point, I probably never would. I get back to it and then you get a mass kicked. I mean, for what it's worth, the main game, I able to come back to it after two years and I was able to find my way around and still beat it in Platinum. I don't know what if I would have with this because the DLC overall, I mean, I know people were there's a lot of discourse over the difficulty. And yeah, it is harder that the bosses are definitely harder, but they're they're manageable. That much harder. Yeah, the manageable. mean, again, at the beginning, we can get into our whole co -op part because at the beginning we were taking on all the bosses together. And there were there were some bosses who were just taking us out to lunch. You mean Rolada? Yeah, Rulana especially Rulana in particular like again the first few there's the night guy Who was pretty easy and the dragon? Yeah, it's like like it's like gola gowl or something Pretty easy The dragon the lion or the lion was pretty easy Yep But yeah, it was when we got to Rulana really like holy fuck Rulana like Yeah, it made me again full disclosure almost it made me delete the game I deleted it And then we beat it so yeah, yeah, I had to stop being such a shit something that's yeah You would summon me in and I'd get like flopped. like... And then I was like, know what? just... Because like, I don't know why I was like, I'm gonna be a magic user too. I'm gonna... I'm gonna... gonna... I'm gonna... gonna... I'm gonna... I'm I'm I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I'm gonna... gonna... I'm gonna... that it actually only took us what like three tries to beat her on mine. Yeah, yeah. After that point, was like, yeah, that's good. It was her. I was like, just like, use your laser on her. Yeah, honestly, I kind of feel like, I mean, I know they nerfed the Azure Comet, but I mean, it was still pretty damn effective. It's still very effective. Yeah, I mean, felt like, I mean, again, I'm not gonna say it was easy. I definitely had some hard times with the bosses, but. Overall, I was able to kill almost every boss with that. I don't think there's a boss where it didn't come into play. Mesmer. Mesmer. Mesmer. I had to use it was the death ranker for that. Yeah, you and me, we killed Mesmer together on yours. Yes. Yes. Fuck it. I was just like, honestly, the one thing that was like, it handicaps me is that like, when I get summoned into your game, you have like unlimited magical powers. Yeah. Yeah. But when you can summon it to mind, have to between staying alive or having magic. Yeah. That's why was like, you know what, during Mesmer, I'm just going to use my fucking summon so that we can make him bleed to death real quick. Cause I'm like, can't, I can't outlast him. And like, I actually had to learn how to fucking dodge fucking Mesmer. He was fucking bad. I mean like dodging that's what do you after a while you get used to it? I realized a lot of the dodging is delayed. It's like they go. yeah, so after it like it was like too quick and then delay three and then delay again or second quick I was like Because the the hardest part was with was when I was trying to summon you in I would always die to the fucking snakes like his second. Yes that part second part That's what I was like no, I need a second me so that we could just Super bleed this motherfucker and just get that second because the first part wasn't bad We were getting up to second part, but it's the second part where you would freak out and you'd have no magic And I'm like fuck Either that or it would be I wouldn't have enough time to like yeah or he or he would like focus on you and like And it's like then you're like I need healing potions like no You're not allowed to heal you have to do as much damage before you die So that's why I was like, okay, I just need him to bleed to death real quick in that second half Yeah, let me bust out the summon with the fucking exact same weapon so that we have like stack the bleed like crazy Cuz like I just couldn't stay in that fucking second phase for long. I just couldn't survive it But fucking after that fucking fight fight the canopy lady. Yeah, they're like a couple bail. They're like, bail's like the most fun I've ever had during a fight. I'm like, I I wiped him in three. And the first time I died because I couldn't find the summon for the fucking archer dude that I was looking for. was like walking around like healing and I'm like, fuck it. No, it is. And then he just fucking murder me. I'm like, I ran out of potions. I died like once because I thought I had to attack it. Then I saw that the summon was archers. OK, so I have my magic arrows. it's just, yeah, was nothing. And then there's that item you get that also makes you more vulnerable or more immune. So it was like the dragon. It was like a blessing or something. You get it from the dragon priest. I didn't use that. yeah. It's meant to make you more immune. So yeah, mean, between all that, was just, yeah. Yeah, no, I'm saving that for. Possibly we're done if I can't find this golden braid does it work for I'm thought it's basically for that boss I mean no, just it just boosts all your defenses. Yeah, okay, but what's it called? Because we're done the consort radon uses a lot of holy yes Attacks so that's why I'm like looking right now. I'm just looking for like the golden braid which is like it's like the damage negation for holy attacks, So that's like the last thing I'm looking for them like fuck it I might as well just jump to the end cuz I already fucked up a lot of quests already But did you do the ones there a few? Well, I mean I get the two most important ones are the ones to get the two summons for his fight You did those ones already. I think you did could we talk to yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah, I did did those where I did the well I've not finished the same tree in this one. Okay Because like I haven't burned the urge for the shadow tree Mean that after no the steps before that it once once you burn the tree They didn't aren't really so the thing the last thing is a gil when you drink more time or something You've done you've done the hard parts once you get there. It's like you do you get to drink them and then There is sir sir odds buck or whatever the odds Bocca yeah, yeah and she's a thali a But yeah, once you, both of them, both of them for the most part, mean, still look at the guy, but overall the final steps are pretty, for Thalier, that's when you have to go back and drink again or something. But Ansbach, it's pretty much just, you summon them near the end. Like there's a part in an arena, you have to do an arena where you fight a bunch of guys and then you summon them in with you. then they, and then, so then after that, they'll be at the top steps before you fight Rodin. Okay. Yeah, I wonder if I could summon those two plus my mimic or something again. That's that's how I got through. I'm gonna fucking gangbang this. again even There's all this hype saying that we're done is harder than Melania. I was like, no I definitely had a hard time with Melania then we're done. It wasn't so bad once I jumped in I was like, yeah, I'm actually gonna fight her. Yeah, we were taking around our techniques for sure Surprisingly we made our guys exactly the right combination where you're a mage and I'm like a so up close fighter. So it's like, okay, can take it. But like I didn't do the thing where I'm super lightweight. I actually made my guy bulky so he could take hits. So like, okay, I'll just dodge most of the hits and take a couple of them while you fucking. Use your orbital laser from space or whatever the fuck is pretty much the hammer of God from my God years of war like fucking launch nukes to the shape of skulls or whatever the fuck you do with it. Yeah. Yeah. Those are my favorite spells. Even with the news I got those are my favorite spells. So or you know your your ice moons. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. Like I've been having a lot of fun with this DLC. mean people like it's so damn hard like it's After after a while it's not here Here's the thing you if you don't want to change your build then you just have to change the fucking ambulance you using Mm -hmm, like I was consistently wearing shit. That's like was the risk reward was like Yeah, all my attributes are up. All my fucking damage is fucking crazy. I got fucking jump attacks. My bleed is going nuts but it's like you also take like way more damage. Now it's like damage negation, damage negation. Okay, health extension, equip load extension. You know, and I changed my weapons from being like super quick that don't cause any stagger to like slightly heavier ones that are still dex based, but like at least it like breaks their poison. So like, okay, I didn't actually have to change my fucking build. My guys still wear the same fucking armor, thank God. Yeah, because for a little while we were both wearing a lion head. Yeah, I could not take it. I was like, I can't this. I can't. little over. Yeah, that was a low point. Yeah. You're a funny Bezra. It gives me it gives me plus seven points of fire. Yeah. I'm just like, you know what? Buries me up the most. That is. is in that castle, there's like four different amulets that are all magic negation amulets. There's electricity negation, there's the lightning negation, and there's the fire negation, and there's the magic negation ones. And they're all in that fucking castle. We could have found the fire negation one. I didn't know about that, It was literally on our way through that library. fuck's sake. Maybe I found it at some point. No, we did not find it. Yeah. It's a great shield flame drink or whatever. Yeah. I'm like, man, this would have been very helpful when we were fighting Lesmer and his fucking bullshit. Yeah. But yeah, I was like, actually, Mesmer did make me switch my weapon to a lightening to Katana because like my my bleed sores were too slow. So was like, all right, lightening Katana his ass so I could fucking dodge the fuck out of him. Yeah. The light, the Katana still caused bleed, which was nice. But yeah, like, Bale was not hard. No. Not even was that centipede lady. Yeah. I mean, it's kind of fun though, the first, first couple main bosses that I found to be the most difficult. It was a steep, it was a steep learning curve. Yeah. Yeah. I think, so that's where I think the difficulty is, is it is getting used to almost having to play little differently and it is. A lot more precise dodging is needed, especially again for Rulana that the Tashi did that would fuck us up with the twin moons. The twin moons and then the third crash? Yeah, so that was one. I would keep trying to roll it and then like, you just jump. You jump, yeah. I can roll too. I rolled it and it worked, but it's like, you've to like, they give really little leeway. Well, because when you jump, you have a longer iframe. Whereas when you roll you have like like point seven seconds. Okay, whereas when you jump you have like 1 .2 seconds So it almost doubles the the invincibility. Yeah, I Was like holy fuck yeah Game changer, know like yeah, just I had to figure out like how armor works and damage negation works Things I'm just like yeah, I don't need to know about this. I just gonna put on heavy armor. Yeah like I The whole game not knowing how to do any of that damage negation shit. Yeah, I mean I saw I would just look and see okay I mean is it are my stats turning blue now? Okay. Well, I put that on That's exactly what I did. Yeah, I was like, but I but now I'm like actually looking at things I'm like, okay. So this weapon is like it loses the bleed but Compared to the base attack plus now it's Lightning damage. Oh, and then I can apply this thing to it. So now it stacks and I don't have to take any penalties But it also has like 50 bleed instead of like my 150 bleed Okay Okay, I'm learning So it's not that hard but like it's just for the cycles I like well if you use mimic you didn't actually beat Yeah, fuck that if it's in the game, it's not like you here. How about this? You suck my fucking dick. It's a single -player game It's co -op friendly. Yeah, you know, I'll use all the tools I want and you could say that you beat the game You know just by electrocuting your nipples with a fucking banana. Yeah, but whatever the fuck you do I didn't like You know, yeah, I don't care about that. I mean I will like without shame use I'll summons, will call you in. I will call randos in sometimes. The only thing I refuse to do is like the super cheeses where it's like, stand on this exact square. Yeah. Then throw smoke bombs until they fucking poison to death. Yeah. In the main game when there was the fire giant. did it to what? No, in the main game I did it What the fuck it was like the tree sentinel that was blocking the way to the To the to the howling tree or whatever the fuck. Okay. Yeah Outside of Lindale or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, fucking cheese that guy fucking invisible And I fucking just poisoned the fuck I did that too. I did that too. And then he turned around and I was like, games over time to But I'm like cuz well back when they fucking we fucking Throw lightning at me. Yeah, I I do that same thing where I stealthed up to me. That's but then but then it's like, I think they passion where like, once you hit like half health, he turns around. It's like I watch people just stay there like poison to death, like all the way like that. How come he fucking turns around for me? How come he smells when my farts are poisoning him, but not when you're in the car? So I'm pretty sure that was like pre-patched or something. Yeah, that must have patched it later. It's same thing with Baldur's Gate with the vampire leader, or you could use the sunlight. You could just put sunlight on yourself and then The sunbeam? Yeah, and then you stand near him, and then it just depletes his health. like in conversation? Yeah, not even in conversation. It's like before, it's like you walk close enough. before it triggers the cutscene and he just stands there and you kind of sunlight on yourself and then he's within the radius and then he has to place his health but then now when I by the time I got to it it was his health would go down a certain part but then he would start healing or something like that so I like I get it down a bit then I just go into the fight so I mean there are a lot of ways to exploit That's a game where I'm like right at the end and I have to fucking be that's my own yeah, yeah I mean for me, especially the way it opens up It feels like it feels like generally when you're near the Andy should it should like Titan but this opens up in the third act and most so well I thought I'm always like first act. It's slowly opening second act should always be the biggest and third is like the climax Yeah, your fucking shit is Fucking get this I thought it was seven ten missions, but they're all gonna be very poignant You're use all the people you want to exactly nope. It's like we're gonna steal your one fucking person And then we're go to this fucking underground submarine and rescue a new person Yeah, yeah, I Mean I think you're near the end anyway because it the end The actual end is like what you would say where it is the point of returning just like the base a big battle and then they go and fight the final boss, but yeah No, I'm a One step from killing because like I already destroyed all the metal armor people. Yeah, the guards Yeah, so I just have to kill that one dude. Yeah. Yeah, that's it Gorse such or something gore. Yeah. Gortache or whatever. Gortache, yeah, yeah. But I also want to do all the side quests and shit and find all the fun things. Because like my bard, because all my guys are max level now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You get to 12 pretty early on in third act then. That's it. Man, my battle bard is not getting any better now. Yeah, yeah. My battle bard. He's actually fucking not bad though. He's so generalist though. He's so generalist. I'm like, this is not my usual glass cannon, but yeah. But I mean, I've always chosen bars because I've always laughed that they're like the shittiest fucking class. Yeah. Well, we had that campaign going together and I was like, you pick a bard. But then I was like, OK, hey, actually. then you see me do like crazy shit. I'm like, all right, I guess. I'm like, yeah, let me just make everyone sick and then I'm gonna I'm gonna talk to these people and make them do whatever I want. Just walk through this gate. And we're gonna use these potions that explode. We're gonna convince these guys to follow this after and then knock them down with a kick. I guess that's a method. Yeah, that was a pretty good fight. It was like the general guy. I made a cat. I made an illusionary cat that people would want to go look at. Remember they all crawled up. then like, okay, now push him, Patius. And he like, lose half his health. And then he's also prone. yeah, he just like blasted me down there. I'm like, make sure these three people are at the bottom so they can beat the shit out of him. I Love I mean I do like how that game gives you some gives you a lot of wiggle room to do some of the box playing so Are you still playing with your? Wives or your girls brother. Yeah. I mean every so often again, it's slowed down a bit But there's so they try to schedule again. Just like everything else It's like oh you can we want to do it on Tuesday? Oh, no, they gotta take my kids to this place. Oh, no, that's like Exactly, I mean it's just part of adulthood I guess and especially after 30 is just everybody's just Everybody has some has obligations so it's always hard if if this show doesn't work out we can always do D &D streams I'm up for it We need to find a competent DM though cuz yeah, you told me my turn it into dark souls pretty much. My fuck no. Yeah, it was fucking like counter your shit with this shit. I'm like You gotta let us fucking Yeah, you gotta let us get away with here's the thing get let people get it let people get away with 60 % but make them have consequences. Yeah Are you sure you want to do that? Or I was reading this one thing online where it's like this like DM is like you basically gave them an amulet that would absorb all the magic attacks that were Shot at them that were like three levels or lower. Yeah, and they're like, oh, but they never actually had the necklace identified so then Someone was going to the another party member wanted to use the necklace. So when he took it off, all the magic attacks were actually stored in the DM actually rolled attacks and damage for each one and just saved it on a sheet. And when they took it off, all the spells exploded. And he's like, four party members died. The only two that survived were in a different part of the map. He's like, and also like a third of their city was blown up because of all the magic. Like 20 fireballs happened like five lightning bolts It's just like that's psychotic. Well, they they wanted to use the anger they never got it Damn that's that's a fucking brilliant one Yeah, I'm always I'm always up for doing a little My dice yeah, yeah, we ever want to get crazy with it. I'm all for it. Yeah, I I didn't ever have anyone to play the end deal with but I have Yeah, yeah the lores Amber You and Palak you know, I place and you're playing the the arcade game. yeah, that's a The you know all the character types and all the lore and it's like you know me I love I love like the technical shit like the lower and the fucking backstories That's where I come up with my stupidity That's that's where I thrive You know, yeah, that's why I choose bar because I know that in the right hands you can make a bar that is like a fucking God Yeah, again, that's that's generally the damn way is like you take You get a whole random mishmash of ideas and interests and then you find a way to make it all work together. Just where it's nothing like what it should be. Yeah. Yeah, that's kind of the thing. It's kind of like the Greek games. Well, because right now my bard is like has two levels of paladin so he can use smite. Yeah. So now he can use might as a bard like the most broken thing Because he has like a ton of spell slots that he can like a ton of like cantrips Yeah, so he could just and he also I also found this rapier that like if you attack you can use a cantrip for free Like you can so I just make him attack and then I use a cantrip for free. I'm like wow this is so cheap. I love it He basically gets two attacks Yeah for a single kind of insanity you could pull off together in D &D If you ever get in real D &D if you ever get your mage high enough level mm -hmm take two two levels into fighter so you get action surge And then you can cast two spells in a row, okay? And then you can do things like Summon like this there's a spell called Mordecai's dog which is like a incorporeal dog that can't be killed and Last for ten turns and does like 1d8 damage So you do that and then you summon like a force field around like an enemy and the dog inside So the enemy can't move or run anywhere. But he also can't attack the dog and the dog is free to attack them for 10 turns in a row. It was like such cheap shit. Yeah. That's what I love. Oh yeah. These fucking boss enemies don't deserve any better. That's why I play bleed characters in Elden The cheapest fucking builds. That's why I'm tying back. Any other thoughts on Elden Ring each other tree? Honestly, Thaddeus, I'm going to say this. Just because as someone who I know you would appreciate, you missed a lot of good parts of Elden Ring in the DLC. There's like a haunted forest where like even Torrent, can't summon him. because when you try to summon him. When you try to sell this like torrent is too afraid Okay, definitely there's like a haunted house and shit and there's like the Cerulean coast is crazy like that blue Cerulean coast. Yeah. Yeah, that's awesome There's like like I don't say you missed out but like there's a lot of like stuff that's also there's like a like how there's the Hallow tree part There is a place like that in Elniver and then the DLC. Okay. I mean Beat the main game and I beat the DLC beat the final boss. I was like I can always go back in like I don't know I'm just saying that like Like this is the like this is the stuff that I'm like just looking at now. I should check that out I should check this out. Yeah, but the fucking haunted forest right up your fucking alley. Yeah It's so good. There is a monster that you cannot There's a monster that you cannot fight. Mm -hmm. We're like if it like it's just a giant eyeball But apparently if you parry it then you can fight it. So yeah, like it'll just attack it'll follow you and attack you Yeah, so but you can't like it's invincible unless you parry its attack then you can kill it. It's like a The phantoms in Mario Once you deflect it then you can kill it and you get like a talisman or something. I I've ever tried it but But yeah, no it has Awesome visor like yo, this is like random daddy's is now yeah Again, if I I mean if I ever get a hankering, I mean for what it's worth After I beat us kind of like, oh man, I kind of want to do a bit more Yeah, you back -to -back souls games. Yeah, so I was like, that's yeah Not even back -to -back you did back -to -back beat a big game. Yeah, I did the DLC Yeah, I mean you did like 160 hours of soul and again that was with lives of p beating it being twice. And again, yeah, I beat it. It like, and I got a little pissed because I beat the main, I beat the main campaign and the second time. And then I was like, what's missing? And there's like one stupid trophy where it's like, have to, to get a gift, to get all the gestures for one of the trophies, but to get one of the gestures, I did everything I needed the first time around, but I didn't realize you have to, that one of them is you get a note and it has to be the entire note. So off gesture. So I was like, I didn't do that. And I was like, well, why didn't we get into it? You had to go back through it. Yeah. So I had to go. I go to get had to go halfway in. It wasn't that hard. The second time around was a little hard because the bosses are harder and they do new moves. And I didn't have my throubles. So I didn't have many throubles. So before I beat it the second time around, I stocked up on throubles. I got through pretty quickly. Like I got I got through the final. I got through the first half in my second, my third playthrough in like a couple hours. Cause I guess I didn't, I wasn't looking for anything. I was a sped through and I fought the bosses and I guess, like, I can't even if, if, when you play it, get throwables, just, just get throwables. They make the bosses a joke. So, so even the final boss, the final boss, if you choose a certain path, it's You get the throubles and he's pretty easy. Not easy, but manageable. It's because New Game Plus, fighting that final boss on New Game Plus, was, I was having some Sekiro moments. was having some Elden, some Eldering Shatter Erd Tree boss moments with that boss. Like it was, it was six hours. Yeah, Melania moments. had six hours and I was just, it was like. I remember you Tommy you were like you're like sweating. Yeah, I was in my seat palms sweating palms and then I got there is a time where I had like that much left on his life and it was like okay and I guess I was trying to get going to get a hit on it. Like two hits left. Yeah, look one hit honestly one hit left. I was trying to get out of my throwables and I was trying to run up and hit him and he and as I had full health I was like okay he's done. Kill the man. I guess I guess I put the controller down as a camera a light laugh So I mean that so all of that is just like I need a vacation so I slow down I Trust me. I go through burnout like crazy. But instead of playing other games, I usually just read manga like crazy. Yeah, yeah. mean, it's been like, I mean, again, I haven't playing as much lately. At least the kind of hours I putting into Elden Ring. No, you were putting like serious time. It was like your second job. Yeah, pretty much. was like three o 'clock every morning or something. So I just I play games and it's like a couple hours a day or so, or if that if I if it also. Now, did you ever find out the lore of why you're fighting Radona the second time? Nah, I mean again... You found it? Yeah, so when you fight Mogh, that like blood lord or whatever, the egg behind him that has the arm sticking out of it is Mickela. Okay. And at first you think, Mogh has Mickela's body and he's using Apparently Mikala was controlling Mogh that whole time to make Mogh stronger to take over his body and then when Mogh died and Radan died Mogh or Mikala took Mogh's body and put Radan's soul in it. That's why Radan looks weird in the DLC. And he's not riding his horse. Again, I mean for us worth I know it has deep lore, but I was just kind of I was mostly just enjoying the experience I didn't the only the only one of the Souls games that I got immersed in the lore The most was Bloodborne. Oh I thought you said Dark Souls 3 I see no special 3 2 actually those ones there There's some guides I used to watch that were pretty good at them. There's with one guy Is like yard of a body. I can't read. Is it helps your name FM? There's that guy and fighting cowboy and they they would like go into the details of things while playing. So I like I was like, OK, well, they're playing. OK, yeah. So I was like, it's like, hang on a second. think an asshole cat's at the Anyway, where was I? You're talking about people who you watched. yeah. Yeah. So yeah, those are the ones I got the I got the most out of because I could fall. They were breaking it down as we go in. guess. guys. I mean, if you ever want someone to make you fall asleep to Elden Ring. Yeah. Look up body video. V A A T I V I D Y A. OK. He has a very calming, slow voice. And it will make you fall Okay, but he has like a lore upon more upon more of like Dark Souls Elden Ring So yeah, I mean it is kind of a thing I do well when I'm on my own like if my girlfriend's out of town I guess like put a like a podcaster audiobook and I've let it just Play I do that while Erica watches her trash TV. yeah. yeah. Okay. you got headphones You're one your bud. Yeah. Yeah. I am one of you fucking hates she hates it. I Deal with the same thing so I get for me it's it's the the portal like one of the whatever we're watching he runs cuz I mean well also I'm already like partially deaf like yeah from working in a factory yeah, that's right. Like like I don't hear shit. So what I have my earbud in like she Yo, the baby is like right beside you. Well, I can't fucking hear shit. I'm like deaf. Like she's like, you're not deaf. I'm like, OK, well, very hard for me to hear shit. Yeah. But I have an ear put in my ear. Oops. Did I say it? And like at night, I'll sleep with an ear put in my ear. It just like put on like whatever fucking law podcast or fucking people talking. Well, not anymore, but. But like, or people talking about like movie tropes and like breaking down like superhero lore and shit like that. But I used to put it on the ear that wasn't against the pillow. Now I have to put it on the ear that's against the pillow so I can still hear when the monitor goes off. These sacrifices that I make. Yeah. Yeah. Because honestly, unless I hear like drowning shit like about animals and like, oh, these 20 animals that like humanity really fucked over. You know, the the top 17 tier list of snakes. Tier zoo. Go watch it. Okay, and it's like you just kind of just a riffle be very serious, okay tears, okay tears he he he uses game terms to like be like the dinosaurs got patched out and in like The best is all committee meteorite patch. he's like, what's the what's the best build if you're looking for an ant maid? There and he's like, snakes snakes spected to the legless Into the legless stats so that is being a big hit with maybe monster hunter fans It's it's very he put he just talks about animals in like gamer terminology. Yeah, he's like, yeah Well, horde horde beetles have the highest defense stat and they have a huge hit point stat, but they gave up their like speed and stealth but it makes them one of the most robust maids that you could ever play as. He's like, this is why lions are buses because they use the friendship stat where they basically use mob tactics. I'm like, holy shit, I love it. It's such a weird combination of stuff. It's like gamer terms about animals. And in tier lists, and then you put them in tiers. They're like, why are hippos OP? And he'll have like a stat, he'll have a stat block break down. He's like, their counters to this are like, But he also uses a lot of Smash Bros sound effects Like when you hit the ground, you have a... Or like the sound that... Like the fighting music. But yeah, that's the Elden Ring DLC, I guess. That show is... You know, we trailed off halfway through and came back around a little bit. Yeah, we had some D &D and some shady talk in there. Overall I'm like I really like the DLC. Yeah, take my time with it now I will say when I it's for my first start I was like I was kind of I know you were not as impressed with it initially, but then what's Initially say with me. I was like, this is it. I Had to fight this motherfucker with a crop this fucking clearly berserk knockoff. Yeah, clearly he was guts Yeah, yeah, he had a crossbow hand and a fucking two-handed sword and he was wearing guts escape and I The only thing is he had a helmet on. Yeah, yeah I was like so I have to fight ghost guts. Yeah, pretty much Who also can do the fucking moon slash? Yeah The moon veil slash so I mean, I mean I did take his armor. I mean and I Respect so I could I could wear it. So yes, I saw you wearing Yeah, he's his character got beefy Yeah, I had that for you that was a good why that was like I don't know maybe maybe like 40 % of my entire playthrough was for dot and radon's armor. So I mean it I wasn't seeing anything that that sort of surpassed it so Yeah, yeah Yeah, I mean again overall. Yeah, I was kind of not too into at the beginning with I actually got more into it at the same point when I reached the point of... You started co -op -ing? Yeah, that made it lot more enjoyable and then also... And then you got to the point of no return, like, gotta do this. Yeah, and then also the side quest was actually more interesting. It had a bit more variety. Okay, I'm gonna say this about fucking Saint Trinos. That is some fucking bullshit getting to her ass. All the fucking little laser dudes. Yeah, one second The laser orb motherfucking snakes that was Ridiculous I worrying about that one. That was I Always think like man, this must have been not as bad for Thaddeus because he uses magic. Yeah, I was like I Fucking stocked up on I stocked up on arrows. I was like fuck this. Yeah, so I then just started like arrowing everything Me you're gonna make me go cheap fine arrows for everyone I Didn't use a shield much but I was like, okay. I'm gonna pull a shield out and that that helped me quite a bit. It was just just shielding their blasts so No, but I just like I would like test out the different arcs and lengths of my arrow. Okay Put on the fucking arrow fucking medallion so I can shoot twice as far. Yeah. All right A little bit higher so that arcs down it hits them. Yeah. All right, just shoot like 17 more times till they're dead Now I can proceed. Yeah, know, yeah Fucking got a fucking skeleton popped out Good thing I can use my left hand to kill his ass real quick because he's a he's no threat. Yeah, the the Castlevania thing where they They can recombine if you don't if you wait too long. So Yeah, yeah, I know there's a lot of a lot of cheap shit like that but Overall, mean overall. Yeah, I did enjoy enjoy it the boss fights were at some point kind of just kind of Cheaply designed I'll say that also we never talked about the hippo The golden hippo that or the golden rhino. Yes. Yeah Because it wasn't the boss you were fighting it was the fucking camera. Yeah. Yeah Cuz he would just like plow you across. Yeah, okay My auto log is going insane So then I was like, okay, we just have to not lock on to him. That's the secret is you're fighting the camera Yeah, but I it was good again. There's another case where our skills combined because you kept him busy and I could just feed him with the Kamehameha. I think I used a shield on it. I gotta use a shield that is a shield and a poking sword. I'm I'm just gonna shield. And I like made my potion so that I wouldn't break my poise. I was like, I can take the hit. Just keep killing him, please. Yeah, that's the shit that this game is maybe do is like you like because in the first playthrough I only kept my two my two weapons my bow and my my incantation seal yeah this one is like I have a fucking closet of what you had to switch up this one let me see which one of these guys Yeah. But yeah, no, I actually really enjoyed it. Yeah, same here. that's really pissing off. Get your ass over here. Get over here. Sit here, okay, just relax. Okay, You got a haircut today. So he's being you know, all weird. He's mad at you. Earlier I was like, okay, my lots of the evening I put food in his bowl and then he like fished eating it I step behind him with the curi case and The groomer apparently the groomer yeah, we had to I give her bit of extra because she like She said he was giving her a hard time. He was just like it like lashing out and everything so sick All right, know he'd enjoy it, but then the cat you're shaving a cat. Yeah, I mean he's just what light of work you got into Yeah, I he's been he's been calmer in the past but at the time apparently is a not the best And then, but the other part of it was when he does get a haircut, always wants to be on a warm body. So. Right. Yeah, because you're cold now. Yeah, exactly. He's like, you did this to me. Yeah. you want to provide me with one. Yeah, so I probably even after this is over, I'm probably going to be stuck with this until he jumps off. Yeah. All right. Yeah. I was to any closing thoughts? No, just honestly, I know that it was cool to be like, this game is so hard. It's not hard. Everyone's debunked that it's hard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's just you gotta, you can't just go in it like it was original Elden Ring. It makes you think differently. That's all. makes you approach things differently. Get all the ashes of whatever the fuck. Yeah, the shadow trees. Apparently it's shadow tree. Okay. Yeah. Even though it's spelled with a C? Yeah. It's like, yeah. But Yeah, I know there are ways of making it easier and I mean, again, you have the summons, make sure you always find the summons and... Because of the guys who you can use, you can bring other people in to play with you. Yeah, mean, it's not... Make sure you upgrade your personal summons and everything and yeah, it's doable. the tools they give you. There's no pride in this game. Yeah, it's not Sekiro. Just leaves you and if you can't it, you can't beat it and you're, you're, you're, you're, up Shitch Creek without a paddle. So this one, this one gives you, it gives you some fail safes. So yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm glad I, I'm glad I got it. Glad I played it. But I'm finally happy to get put Elden Ring to rest for like to rest for a while. until the next souls like game comes out or the next big souls. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I heard they're doing a lives of P DLC. It'll see if that happens. I mean, maybe they'll be what I play for now. I'm just off souls ish games for a while. I mean, yeah, the king must rest. Yes. All right. So that's our show. Dan, where can they find us? We are on Instagram under the HUD. don't actually have a Twitter anymore. That thing got fucked Oh really? didn't even know that I tried to change the name and it didn't work out so now I have to wait until that account actually gets closed. Ah damn you'll Before I can redo the accounts. Alright. Well cause I tried to change the name they're like oh you can't change that name so I was like okay. Then close the account they're like you have to wait 30 days to close the Okay. Well then. Yeah. You can't use the same email you already have an account. I'm like. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Really restrictive. Fine. I just don't want to open up another account for the same... a page that's just full of trolls and porn. I'm surprised they're so restrictive. Our page no no no no Ex in general or a first site first site or social media. yeah I don't know. don't know. Yeah, I know for social media Company the where the platform is just covered in in trolls and porn. It's like Yeah, it's it's was restrictive of things Yeah Yeah, why'd you have to leave it X is so stupid it's the dumbest thing the website is still Twitter though Yeah, he's wrecked a lot of even he's definitely wrecked it But can you do? Yeah, yeah on that note well, thanks for listen, No, I was gonna say well, this is a set on Instagram at bit hood or under the hood. Yeah Bit hoods dead Yeah, we killed it. then it came back and kill it again. It was shaky whether this would happen or not. Yeah, joked about it. the DLC gonna kill this podcast. Well, you're laughing and it almost happened. I'm happy to say we survived it. The DLC, at least on my end, that that chapter has ended. So let's see what happens. But until then guys, we'll catch you later. Take care.

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